Happy new Year 2008

This year has come with new offerings, challenges, oppurtunities, ideas and new concepts to change the entity of ones self. This is the only time to give up with the bad ideas and develop contemporary styles and ideas.
We always takes new resolutions in the new year to put in to habits those reslutions in our entire life. This is only the time to rejenuavete ourself and the aura of our body and suroundings.We have to enlighten ourself so as to see changes in ourself and surroundings.
I have seen many people who are stereoyped and restrict to change themselves. We should be dynamic in our attitude and approach. We should develop new ideas and beliefs as per changing world environment.
Todays coomunication is so fast to reach our message with no seconds of time. In this Information technologhy one can accesss internet to get information and knowledge of the whole world. The world is becoming shorter and shorter that even we could not believe the person there at overseas is there next to us thanks for internet chatting and e mail.
In this world, I find many people orthodox and unfamiliar with this concepts. They never change their attitude and always stick to their old attitude. They are always sick in their outlook and dealings. An intelliigent man is so called when he has couraged to change his attitude and nature.
In the New Year one has to check himself of his deeds in the past and the bad deeds should not go on repeating in this year like damage caused in the relationship, dishonesty, etc. All bad habits can be slowly healed in this year. We should be humble, polite, sincere, spiritual, pious, positive, helpful in our approach.
I have been taught by my uncle that how to transform your enemy in to friends ?. The realtionship is like a mirror once it gets broken it is very difficult to get repair. The simple solution is whatever you did wrong with someone who got in turn became your enemy, simply give a broad smile whenever he come across in front of you rather than turning a face around or simply aplolgize him for your wrong doing.He will atleast forgive you rather becoming your friend and slowly you should start building relationship with him and a day will come that the wounds caused between you will get healed.